I hope that you and your families continue to remain safe and healthy during these past weeks. It has been very heartening to see the gradual reopening of various businesses and facilities and we hope that we may all be able to resume regular activities before too long.
Although it remains uncertain as to when we may be able to get back to regular services and other church activities, I do hope that everyone has been able to watch the weekly services and other posts on the Facebook page and website. Just a reminder that one does not need to have a Facebook account to access the Facebook page as it is a public page.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in both congregations for your continued financial support during these unprecedented times. Although we are closed, there are still insurance, utilities, salaries and other expenses to be paid.
There are several ways you can help. For Hope Springs, please mail your donations to Hope Springs United Church, Box 142, Williamsburg ON K0C 2HO.
For Winchester United you can either mail your donation (Box 65 Winchester ON K0C 2K0) or drop it off during office hours (Mon, Wed, Fri, 9-noon)
If PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance) is something you might like to look into, please contact Doris Hart for the Hope Springs congregation and Linda Foster for Winchester United and they will have more information for you.
Pastoral care is ongoing. Reverend Christine welcomes your calls and emails. Although the church doors remain locked for safety, Linda is in the office Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-noon. Contact her or Reverend Christine by calling 613.774.2512.
Once again thanks so much for your ongoing support,