Thanks to all who joined us for the UCW fish fry. It was very well attended and the fish and all the food was delicious. Next year's fish fry will be held on Sept. 18, 2020.
A 6-week closed support group designed to help you deal with your grief and sadness after a loss Thurs. Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and Nov. 7 Time to be agreed on by participants. Dundas County Hospice, Williamsburg. RSVP to Linda ([email protected] or call 613-523-2215. There is no cost to attend. Winchester United Council Meeting
Monday, Sept. 30, 7PM Please submit reports by Wed. the 25th. Meetings will be held on Wed. Sept. 25 at 1:30 at Beachcroft and on Mon. Sept 30 at June Armstrong's. Feel free to attend whichever meeting best suits your schedule.
An invitation is extended for the Covenanting Service for Rev. John Noordhof and the St. Lawrence Pastoral Charge and the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council. This service will take place on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 7:00 pm at Salem United Church, 19041 Cty. Rd. 2, Summerstown.
For more invitation, please email [email protected] Every Wednesday morning from 8:30 am to 11:00 am at Winchester United Church
Goals Encourage and promote diversified socialization (community building) welcoming both the local general population and at risk/impoverished population to have access to a free weekly breakfast without stigma. You can learn more from the information sheets at the back of the church. |